Supreme Level

of cusromer service



Romiltex is a housing execution company specialized in construction and renovation, which increases profitability in the construction, operations and maintenance of our developments.

In our constructions and renovations we also reduce the impact on the environment, providing greater comfort and lower energy costs.

We are working to move
society towards a sustainable future

through the development and management of infrastructures that generate a positive social, economic and environmental impact.

Our experience, vocation for excellence and philosophy of continuous improvement drive our purpose:
leading the transformation of construction into an industry.

At Romiltex we create attractive and sustainable environments and properties where people want to live, work and be for many years to come.

This is why we take a responsible, long-term approach when we own, build, develop and manage properties and urban districts.

The issue of sustainable development has become more topical as urbanization and population have grown. Awareness that the earth’s resources are limited and that humans impact the climate has increased.

The construction and property sector accounts for approximately one-third of Spain’s energy consumption, and has a major impact on the climate. There are also risks in our industry associated with health and safety, corruption and human rights violations. It is therefore important for us to take care of people and the environment in all our operations.


An integral project, be it construction or reform, consists of carrying out and being responsible for all the processes to deliver it completely finished, ready for our clients. One of the main characteristics is that, instead of having different people responsible for each of the stages of the project, Romiltex is the coordinator of all operations, saving worries to our customers.

& guarantee

The essential factor for success is our team, guaranteeing the highest level of professional competence, with a solid culture of teamwork, close collaboration, training and continuous improvement. We are proactive in management, timely and accurate in analysis and we are results-oriented. We are committed to making design one of our hallmarks, researching and innovating to apply the most appropriate lines of design to our products.


Our professionals offer many advantages in traditional construction or remodeling projects. Some of them are: security in delivery time, faster construction speed, respect for the initial cost, minimal friction between participants, a person responsible for meeting the objective, lower risk for the client in decision-making. The project is fully executed under the guidelines established by Romiltex Construcciones.

Romiltex is active throughout the entire life cycle of a residential project:
As project execution, purchaser of materials and construction services and contractor. We require our team, our suppliers and subcontractors to achieve more than we could individually. In doing this, we are trying to guide the entire value chain in a sustainable direction.

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